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Special Interest Groups

The California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE) plays host to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that meet at CCTE Conferences. SIGs are open to all interested members. Click any name to send a message to the SIG coordinator.

Jody Moody
Loyola Marymount University

The Arts SIG is a group of dedicated arts lovers and teacher educators with the goal to share and provide resources to ensure that high quality arts education, per the TPEs, is part of every credential candidates’ preparation for the classroom. We meet together twice a year at CCTE conferences to connect and share resources.
Donald Cardinal
Chapman University

This new SIG is exploring and advocating for inclusive education and for collaboration between general educators and special educators.
Melissa Meetze-Hall
Riverside County Office of Education

Provides an avenue for continuing exploration of the work and role of induction in the California teacher education continuum and the relationships and integration of these efforts with preservice teacher education.
Jose Lalas
University of Redlands

Offers opportunities for coordinators of credential programs at colleges and universities across California to exchange information, discuss issues, and develop coordinated plans.
Reyna Garcia-Ramos
Pepperdine University
Ivannia Soto-Hinman
Whittier College
Fred Uy
California State University
Seeks to offer augmented support for a democratic vision in the field of teacher education.
Sylvia Kane
Vanguard University
Thomas Nelson
University of the Pacific
Susan Westbrook California Federation of Teachers

Open to educators interested in conducting research, writing, or discussing topics related to: (1) the evolution of teachers’ careers, including the stages or “passages” that mark various phases of this evolution; (2) teacher biography and autobiography, with special emphasis on the stories that teachers tell about their professional lives; and (3) teacher professionalism, i.e., those features that distinguish teaching from other professions.
Linda Tiggs-Taylor
California State University, Long Beach

This new SIG will meet to organize and share our work on Linked Learning, California Career Academies, Common Core Standards, and other college and career readiness initiatives.
Keith Howard
Chapman University
Nicol Howard
Chapman University
Raina Leon
St. Mary’s College

The Technology SIG is focused on the use of technology to enhance the teaching profession, especially in areas where technology resources can be leveraged to create more equitable learning spaces for all students. We aim to promote the sharing of effective technology infusion in K-12 settings through meetings and workshops at the semi-annual CCTE conferences, as well as via an online presence on various social networking channels. Our ultimate goal is supporting the creation of classrooms wherein technology is an infused element of the learning process rather than a novel accessory.
Vicki Graf
Loyola Marymount University

Offers an opportunity for discussion and exchange between teacher educators interested and involved in the field of special education.
Carrie Wall
Pepperdine University

Explores issues related to pedagogy and subject matter in undergraduate teacher education programs.